Monday, November 12, 2012

Challenge Course

The students in the Challenge Course Facilitation class were working on setting up and taking down the challenge course, as well as learning and practicing on the elements themselves.  Northwest College is fortunate to have two different challenge courses, one inside the main gym, the second located outside at the A.L. Michelson Field Station.  The outdoor course is a traditional telephone pole course with a static (i.e. lobster claw) belay while the indoor course on campus is a dynamic belay, meaning the participant is belayed  separately for each individual element.  The image below is from a couple students learning the process for the lowering the log from the ceiling of the gym.  Once lowered, the participant is challenged to walk across the log with a stationary rope to assist them.  The Log itself is lowered with a 3:1 pulley system to help the facilitators in the lift.

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